Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Token Whippersnapper

Since we generally go about life pretending that it's 1962, we don't pay much attention to the "celebrities" of the day. Elke Sommer and Senta Berger ring our bell; Jessica Biel and Cameron Diaz do not. We also shudder at the misguided notion that such celebs as Jennifer Lopez, Jay-Z, Rhianna and Justin Timberlake could be considered bona fide "style icons."

The one exception we will make is in the case of music producer/DJ Mark Ronson. He is the only celebrity young'un whose wardrobe we actually covet, and whose look doesn't try too hard, doesn't look too styled, and is polished in a very modern way.

Plus, he's cuter than a baby duck.


  1. Yes!
    But please don't bring baby ducks into my sick fantasies. I'll never be able to shake the image.
    Oh well.

  2. If the mental image of Sissy wasn't enough to scar your sexual identity forever, a little baby duck isn't going to do any harm.
